6.5. LLDP

6.5.1. Configuration

The following commands are available to configure LLDP:

lldp enable

Enable the support for the LLDP protocol.

lldp hostname HOSTNAME...

Set the system name that is passed to the neighbors. By default, the system name is passed, configured with the hostname NAME command.

lldp description DESCRIPTION...

Set the system description that is passed to the neighbors. By default, the string NFWare virtual Carrier Grade NAT is passed.

lldp portidsubtype <mac|name>

Set the type of the interface identifier that is passed to the neighbors. By default, the MAC address is used.

lldp tx-interval (1-3600)

Set the interval between sending the LLDP PDUs in seconds. By default, the message is sent once every 30 seconds.

lldp hold-multiplier (2-10)

Set the LLDP hold miltiplier. This parameter is used to calculate the LLDP TTL. The LLDP TTL is calculated as the product of the tx-interval and the hold-multiplier. By default, this parameter is set to 4, so the default LLDP TTL is 120 seconds.

lldp update

Send the LLDP PDU without the tx-interval delay. The command can be used to immediately send updated information about the system to your neighbors after a configuration change.

6.5.2. Information and Statistics

show lldp neighbors [{interface IFNAME|view <detailed|summary>}]

Show information about the LLDP-neighbors.

interface IFNAME – show only the information for the IFNAME interface.
view summary – show a brief summary.
view detailed – show detailed information.
show lldp interfaces [{interface IFNAME|view <detailed|summary>}]

Show information about the local interfaces.

interface IFNAME – show only the information for the interface IFNAME.
view summary – show brief information.
view detailed – show detailed information.
show lldp statistics [<interface IFNAME|summary>]

Show statistics of sent and received LLDP PDUs.

interface IFNAME – show only the information for the interface IFNAME.
summary – show summary statistics for all interfaces.