8.3. Real Time Management System

The Real Time Management System (RTM) is a real-time event reaction system. Events are created and described using track. The track can now be created for VRRP instances and routes from the FIB. Events are described using a sequence of CLI commands and/or scripts, the path to which can be specified in the RTM settings.

Using this subsystem, you can logically link dynamic routing protocols with VRRP. For example:

  • When a route, received through BGP (or any other), disappears from the FIB, we can lower the priority of VRRP.

  • When VRRP Master switches to backup state (for example, VRRP fails, but the router is available itself and continues to announce routes), you can add the prefix-list with as-prepend to the BGP neighbour, thus lowering the priority of its routes.

To create tracks and configure RTM, use following commands:

track ID <ip|ipv6> route IP/MASK ecmp-number <equal|greater-equal|less-equal> N [vrf NAME]

Create track associated with the route and specify the trigger condition by setting the number of the nexthops.

track ID vrrp VRID interface NAME ip[v6] state <backup|master>

Create track associated with VRID and specify the trigger condition by setting the state.

no track ID

Delete track with the specified ID.

rtm cli-policy ID

Create Real Time Management policy. After creating specify following rules:

event track ID state negative|positive

Set the condition under which the actions will apply.

action ID cli COMMAND

Set an action ID with cli-command to run. Pay attention, first you need to enter the configuration mode.

action ID script PATH

Set an action ID with a path to the script with the commands to run.

no action ID

Delete the action with the specified ID. If you want to change the action, first you need to delete the old one.