8.3. Real Time Management System#

The Real Time Management System (RTM) is a real-time event reaction system. Events are created and described using track. The track can now be created for VRRP instances and routes from the FIB. Events are described using a sequence of CLI commands and/or scripts, the path to which can be specified in the RTM settings.

Using this subsystem, you can logically link dynamic routing protocols with VRRP. For example:

  • When a route, received through BGP (or any other), disappears from the FIB, we can lower the priority of VRRP.

  • When VRRP Master switches to backup state (for example, VRRP fails, but the router is available itself and continues to announce routes), you can add the prefix-list with as-prepend to the BGP neighbour, thus lowering the priority of its routes.

To create tracks and configure RTM, use following commands:

track ID <ip|ipv6> route IP/MASK ecmp-number <equal|greater-equal|less-equal> N [vrf NAME]#

Create track associated with the route and specify the trigger condition by setting the number of the nexthops.

track ID vrrp VRID interface NAME ip[v6] state <backup|master>#

Create track associated with VRID and specify the trigger condition by setting the state.

no track ID#

Delete track with the specified ID.

rtm cli-policy ID#

Create Real Time Management policy. After creating specify following rules:

event track ID state negative|positive#

Set the condition under which the actions will apply.

action ID cli COMMAND#

Set an action ID with cli-command to run. Pay attention, first you need to enter the configuration mode.

action ID script PATH#

Set an action ID with a path to the script with the commands to run.

no action ID#

Delete the action with the specified ID. If you want to change the action, first you need to delete the old one.